Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia

An Interpretation for Teachers' byDr J. P. Das

‘Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia: An Interpretation for Teachers’ by Dr J. P. Das is a ready reckoner on dyslexia for parents, teachers and professionals. For school psychologists, the book is an interpretation of PASS (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous & Successive) theory of cognitive processes that replace traditional views of IQ and redefine intelligence. The book answers questions about specific reading problems in the context of intelligence and also guides remediation. Dr Das has attempted to demystify dyslexia and provide an immensely engaging and informative book for students and researchers in the fields of Psychology, Education, and other cognitive sciences. Dr J. P. Das is Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology and Executive Director of the J. P. Das Developmental Disabilities Centre AT THE University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, where he is currently a research professor. He was inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada for his original contribution to the field of intelligence.

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