Capacity Building

An MOU was signed on 27 February 2024 between MDA & VIDYANIKETAN, Dombivli, for “PRE-PRIMARY CURRICULUM EVALUATION &REDESIGNING and TEACHERS’ TRAINING FOR LANGUAGEINSTRUCTION. The partnership between Vidya Niketan and Maharashtra Dyslexia Association is based on a common paradigm of capacity building and sustainable solutions towards the objective of providing quality education wherein Maharashtra Dyslexia Association will provide the required technical training and project-based support in order to assist Vidya Niketan to accomplish its core mission.

MDA lent support to SUMANTRA PSYCHOLOGICAL & COUNSELLINGCENTRE, Kothrud, Pune, in developing scientifically structured remedial teaching aids and programmes in Marathi.

J. N. PETIT TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL, Pune – MDA continues to support the Pre-Primary and Primary School with the Language Programme and Curriculum building initiative started over 8 years ago.

UDAYACHAL HIGH SCHOOL, MUMBAI – MDA conducted training on March 9, 2024, in the use of PREP – PASS READING ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME for primary school remedial teachers and also donated the PREP KIT to the school.

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